Fridays on the Farm; Introducing Our Chickens!

We bought our little farm in February, but the house needed sooo much work that we couldn’t move in until June.  We still have a long way to go until it’s “done” but we’ll get there someday (right?!?)

During those first months of driving back and forth from our rental in town, we had some lovely animals to keep us company.  We bought our starter flock from the Salatin family at Polyface Farm in Swoope, VA.  We got 40 laying hens and Romeo the rooster to increase the flock when we’re ready.  They were already pullets and Daniel said they’d be laying in a few weeks; they started laying the next day:-)

Anyone who has ever been unexpectedly inundated with 3 dozen or so eggs every day can tell you it’s a blessing and a curse.  You suddenly begin jumping for joy when you find recipes with ingredient lists that include at least 4 eggs.  And even more fun, you meet all your neighbors, their children, the mail delivery person, and anyone else who may happen to cross your path, and force them to take gift them with eggs.

As the eggs accumulated, and word of their yumminess & healthfulness spread, we were fortunate to get the attention of a local farm-to-table restaurant.  We now proudly supply them with all of their eggs, and are able to keep a few friends and our own family happily egged.

We do our very best to keep GMO food out of our family and that includes our animals.  That’s why we did seek out hens that we knew were never fed that poison.  We felt so blessed to be able to purchase them from a family that is so committed to real, clean food.  Someday I’ll get on my soapbox here regarding GMOs.  In the meantime if you’re interested  here are some helpful, interesting links to check out:

Center for Food Safety

True Food Network

New York Times Piece; Why Aren’t G.M.O. Foods labeled? ~Mark Bittman

Rebel with a Cause: Why I Oppose Government GMO Labeling ~Joel Salatin

Oh we do love the girls, and it helps with the out of balance male/female ratio around here!



WIP Wednesday

One of my favorite things about blogging before was how much it helped me to keep track of things.  I am rather infamous around these parts for starting waaaay too many projects at once, and I love the idea of the work-in-progress, or WIP Wednesday posts that I see all over the crafty mama blogs.  Without further ado, here’s what I’m working on these days.

On the needles…

Prayer shawl from Knitting for Peace for a very special visitor due to arrive in September.  Free pattern here.

On the hook…

Finally unpacked my circles to squares (that I may decide to turn into pillows rather than a blanket so I can actually finish it someday.  Hmm.)

At the sewing machine…

Log cabin quilt as you go blocks.  Free tutorial here.

On the nightstand…

I keep sneaking off to read just “one more chapter…” of Time Traveler’s Wife.  And the Happiness Project is just what I need right now!

At the desk…

First draft of a short story that I’ve been working on into the wee hours when I just can’t seem to turn off my brain.

How about you, what are you diving into these days?



This entry was posted on August 8, 2012. 2 Comments

Hello, my name is Michelle.

Hello, my name is Michelle.  I’m a farmer’s wife, mama to three young boys, baker of bread, grower, maker, and preserver of real food, knitter (who crochets sometimes), sewer of things, reader, scribbler, music lover, swimmer, hiker, mess maker, experimenter, teacher,  learner, and dreamer.

I used to be a blogger.   That is, I wrote a blog (earthycraftymommy) and read blogs, made friends, learned lots from and was inspired by other bloggers,  and enjoyed the whole experience immensely.

Last year, my husband, children, and I decided to follow our dreams and move our family several hundred miles away from our New Hampshire home.  The process consumed the time that I normally would have spent writing & reading in the blogosphere.  I didn’t mind, but I did miss it.

Actually, the process of researching where to relocate was such an interesting one, that I thought much of it was blog-worthy material.  But as life has it, taking care of my boys, searching for, finding, and establishing our new home, getting used to an entirely new climate, flora and fauna, making new friends, and all the learning that goes into becoming a farming family has kept me pretty busy this last year.

Now, I think I’m ready to get back on the proverbial horse.  In addition to documenting our days, and connecting with other like minded folks in this space, I plan to record some of the lessons learned, and helpful resources we found when researching this transition from the seaside to the mountains, north to the south.

So, here it is, welcome to my new little corner of the blogosphere.  I’m so glad you stopped by.  I look forward to reconnecting with old friends, making new ones, documenting our adventures, learning from and being inspired by you along this crazy new road we are traveling.
